The Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: Reform, Replace or Status Quo? co-edited by Alan M. Anderson and Mr. Ben Beaumont of England, has been published by Kluwer Law International. The monograph is a thought-provoking and important contribution to the ongoing worldwide discussions and debates regarding investor-State dispute reform. The twenty-nine contributors from around the world authored chapters representing points of view from academia to private practice to government entities, and address various topics and proposals under consideration by UNCITRAL’s Working Group III. It provides insights into how various geographic regions and economic cooperation areas are seeking to address reform of the investor-State dispute settlement system. The book may be purchased at: https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/product/the-investor-state-dispute-settlement-system-reform-replace-or-status-quo/. Use the discount code 25ISDS21, to receive a 25% discount on the purchase price – valid through September 1, 2021.